Monday, January 13, 2014

Do Something Now to Improve Our Schools

Last spring my daughter was involved in a play at the Lexington Children's Theatre called "One Hundred Dresses." It was the story of a little girl who was being bullied. It was told from the perspective of a little girl who stood by and watched the bullying happen but did nothing to stop it.

She says to her mother, "But I didn't do anything." Her mother responds, "That's right, you didn't do anything." The play reminded children that in some cases doing nothing is as bad as doing something wrong. The young actors at LCT came up with a motto for themselves while working on the play - DO SOMETHING!

Right now our Kentucky legislature is making decisions about our state's budget for the next 2 years, and a colation of Fayette County parents, community members and local education organizations have decided that they need to DO SOMETHING to increase school funding for our children.

Led by James Wagers, a Beaumont Middle School parent and Liza Holland, past president of the 16th District PTA, this group is planning a rally at 7 p.m. on January 23 at Wellington Elementary, 3280 Keithshire  Way.

“A student has just one chance to get a quality education,” said James Wagers, an SBDM parent at Beaumont Middle School. “Simply put, our kids can’t wait.”

In addition to the rally at Wellington, a Children’s Advocacy Day rally at the Capitol Rotunda in Frankfort is planned for 10 a.m. Jan. 16.

The Coalition is seeking opportunities to speak with local civic groups and at public meetings and generally urge residents to communicate their support for more school funding. To schedule a presentation, email or call (859) 533-3038.

Make plans now to attend one of these rallies. Call your state legislator and tell him or her that our children need to be a priority. DO SOMETHING!

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