Monday, November 4, 2013

We have a blog!!!

If it were up to me, Lexington Family Magazine would be a hundred pages every month, packed full of info you NEED to have, with photos of every cute kid in town, and a giant calendar with every single event going on in town including the birthdays of all of your kids. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

But cooler heads prevail around here (it costs money to print pages, y’all), so we keep the magazine a little more streamlined and some of my totally cool ideas for stories stay on the back burner until another month when I might be able to convince my editor that there should be space for it.

Bummer. Because I have some fabulous ideas and so does Glenda, our sales manager, and Kari and Lindsay and Gary, our sales staff. And our office manager, Carla. Oh, and Daniel, our graphic artist, even though he doesn’t have kids yet (all his ideas involve Elvis, so if you see a story about Elvis, it’s from him). We've even got a regular guest blogger, Stephanie, who is a whiz at deals, coupons and saving money.

So it occurs to me that as the internet, sort of like the universe, has unlimited space, we could expand our magazine out a little further each month through a blog. Heck, we could expand it out every week, or even every day!

That means you will now see this blog “More from Lexington Family” with all that fabulous info that we just couldn’t cram into the printed page. I’ve got great plans for this space, things like advice on couponing and deal finding, the great “Lick-or-Don’t Lick your kid’s paci” debate (did you know that’s a thing? I didn’t), cool freebies for customizing a fabulous birthday bash, stuff I think is cool, stuff YOU think is cool (just leave me a comment!) – basically the contents of my editorial file that didn’t make it on the printed page.

And, just to make this a fun place to hang out, I’m gonna give stuff away. Frequently. Like starting now, because how else am I going to clear out all the stuff that gets sent to me and ends up living in piles that will soon take over my whole cubicle, tripping me up every time I head to the kitchen for a Diet Pepsi?

Let’s start with a package of prizes from “Plants vs. Zombies,” the game app from PopCap. I’ve got a PvsZ t-shirt, USB drive, head phones, collector’s pins, and these weird little paper coins printed with their logo that you can actually plant in the ground, and guess what? Zombies will grow! No, wait, plants. Plants will grow. Just leave me a comment here on the blog and tell me what you’d like to see more of in this space. I’ll pick a winner when I think enough of you have given me good ideas.

See you soon, Laurie

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