Monday, November 25, 2013

Black Friday Is Almost Upon Us!

          Thanksgiving is upon us!  And with Turkey Day comes the just as well known Black Friday. And every year it seems stores try to one up each other with earlier opening times and better deals. If you are brave enough, crazy enough, and savvy enough, you can take advantage of some great bargains on this day. Let's look at some tips that may help you out.

            You've decided to shop Black Friday. Mmake sure you pick up your Thanksgiving Day paper. This usually has all the store ads showing their deals, opening times, etc.

            Now that you have your paper, don't read it!  Before you crack it open take a few minutes to make a list of what you need, want, and what gifts you intend to purchase this year for Christmas (or at least the price range for each person on your list.)  Once you open the paper you'll find great deals on items you didn't know you could live without!  Knowing your budget, and an idea of what you want will help you focus on one or two stores you want to visit Friday.

            Now open your paper and find those deals!  Take time to double check prices against other retailers. You can find information on most stores' websites. If you find that the Black Friday deal is truly a great deal on a product you really need or want then make plans to head out to that store. For deals that are promoted in the ads, quantities could be limited. Find out what time the store opens and plan to be in line earlier than opening time. Sometimes lines can stretch around the corner of the store and people get in line extremely early. So if you plan on being in line dress warmly and prepare to wait!

            Another idea is to share your Black Friday shopping with a friend or family member. You can each head to different stores to pick up items on both your lists. With limited quantities this strategy can better your chances and save you time.

            If you don't have a particular item in mind to buy, you can plan on browsing some of the stores at a more reasonable time (after 8 am). A lot of good deals and some unadvertised deals can still be found for the late shopper. There are still a lot of crowds out and about but the lines are usually gone by then.

            Enjoy your Thanksgiving!  And if you decide to shop on Black Friday decide now that you will stay within your budget and stick to your list. Make it a day that you enjoy not one you end up regretting when you get home and add up all those receipts.  
            Until next time, keep your eyes open, because savings abound!


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