Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 11 Giveaway - Yummy and Healthy from Green B.E.A.N. Delivery

Can you believe its Day 11 of our “12 Days of Giving” here on the “More from Lexington Family” blog?

By now you know how it works, but just in case you are new here are the details: Every day from now until December 13 we will feature a different giveaway here on the blog and we’ll also give your family a great idea for giving back in our community.

All you have to do is use the Rafflecopter widget to enter the giveaway. You can earn more than one entry for each giveaway. Just scroll down to enter.

We’ll start the giveaways around 9 a.m. every day, and announce the winner at 9 a.m. the next day. Prizes will be available at the Lexington Family office at 138 E. Reynolds Rd., Ste 201. Gift card prizes can be mailed, but larger prizes must be picked up.


Today I have a really unique giveaway. It’s a $100 gift certificate from Green BEAN Delivery.

We are all trying to eat healthier these days, but it can be touch. Imagine if you could have fresh, organic fruits, vegetables and other groceries delivered to your door every week? And imagine you could customize those deliveries so that they contained the foods you family needs and loves.

Green B.E.A.N. Delivery is an online home delivery service that provides organic produce and natural groceries to Lexington members. The company makes it easier than ever for parents to keep healthy foods on their family’s plates all year long. Membership is easy, flexible and risk-free. Customize your orders online to get exactly what you want. It's an affordable, convenient and fun way for the whole family to eat healthy.
Green B.E.A.N. delivers all through the winter and subscriptions make good gifts especially for the friend who "has everything."

Today's giveaway is limited to folks who are not current members of Green B.E.A.N Delivery.
You can learn more at: Green B.E.A.N. Delivery


Hunger is a disease that diminishes the lives of many Kentuckians. Hunger drains the resources of the elderly and plagues the family, forcing mothers to sacrifice meals so that their children do not have to. Hunger strikes the unfortunate, overwhelming those who are experiencing other unforeseen needs.
Yet hunger is a disease that has a cure. For 56 years, God’s Pantry has been collecting and distributing donated food to agencies across central and eastern Ky. Today, God’s Pantry works with more than 275 partner agencies to fight hunger and alleviate the symptoms that accompany it.
Right now God’s Pantry needs your help. A donation of just $40 will feed 191 hungry children. A $70 donation will provide meals for 335 struggling seniors. A donation of $150 will provide 717 meals at abuse shelters.

General Food Donations
Food donations from individuals or families are always accepted and welcomed. Donations can be made at the warehouse during normal operating hours. In addition, residents of Fayette County can make their donation at any Kroger location by placing the food in the donation barrel near the customer service desk or exit. If you cannot find the barrel, please ask at the customer service desk.

Other Ways to Give Food
Kroger Bags – all Fayette Kroger Stores stock pre-made bags of food (vegetables, fruit, meat and pasta products) valued at $2.50, $5 and $10 located near the checkout lanes. Simply pickup a bag, have it scanned and drop it in the blue barrels on your way out of the store. Your charitable donation is registered on the receipt. It's easy!
Checkout Hunger – Kroger Stores also have coupons valued at $1, $2, and $5 located at the checkout lanes. To make a donation, simply rip off a coupon and have it scanned. Your charitable donation is registered on your receipt.

Check out their website: God's Pantry
  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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